Statement of philosophy
At Banksmeadow Public School Preschool our philosophy is to view every child as a competent learner. We acknowledge that children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates. Educators recognise that all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected. The key beliefs of our service include:
Children learn through play.
Our educators recognise that a play based program is how young children learn. We understand our role in facilitating purposeful and authentic play experiences. We believe it is important to provide opportunities for children to experiment, discover, explore, create, practice theories, solve problems and express ideas. These experiences occur with the support of other children and educators. Children should be offered a range of fun, interesting activities, which challenge their skills and stimulate their curiosity and thinking. We believe in celebrating children’s play, discoveries and learning through reflection and meaningful documentation.
We provide a supportive, spontaneous, hands-on and challenging play based program. We build on their own experiences, ideas, interests and cultural backgrounds. The program is relevant to the children’s real world.
Children learn through interaction with the environment.
Our educators believe that children need to feel a sense of belonging. We recognise that it is important for all children to feel acknowledged and special. We offer unhurried opportunities, where through play and interactions they will have the time, choice and the freedom to explore and learn. The benefits of outdoor play are valued and the opportunity for children to connect with nature. The interactions children have in these spaces encourages them to learn in the outdoors, as well as fostering a respect and enjoyment of our environment. Sustainability is a key component in developing children’s respect and knowledge of caring for the environment. Our outdoor and indoor spaces are organised and adapted to support every child’s participation and to engage each child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments.
We provide a safe and secure setting where children have the opportunity to explore and experiment with materials. Our educators believe it is the process of creating that is important, not the finished product.
Children are active contributors to their own learning.
We believe that our child centred program should focus on the developmental needs and learning styles of each child. We understand that we as educators need to acknowledge the learning that is occurring through play by careful observation and interaction.
The educators explicitly model the learning processes and introduce knowledge areas to children eg. mathematics, science, technology, music and art. We work together with children in these knowledge areas and jointly construct understandings, gradually handing over responsibility for the learning task as the child gains knowledge and confidence.
Children learn through social interaction with other children, staff and other adults.
We believe that preschool is the foundation for future education and those values that promote cooperative human endeavour.
We aim to guide and encourage children towards positive and responsible behaviour. We will encourage children to show respect, empathy and understanding towards others.
Partnerships with parents are important to ensure positive outcomes with children.
We believe the family is the child’s first and most significant educator. We support and develop partnerships with families to share the nurturing and education of their children.
Our educators share information regularly with parents and caregivers, to form relationships that are based on respect, trust and honesty. We encourage each family to participate in the preschool community. We support and welcome parent and caregivers interest and involvement in our service. This partnership with families is not only crucial to the development of each child's sense of worth, wellbeing and security, but also to their sense of community and belonging.
Inclusion, Social Justice and Acceptance are fundamental to children’s learning.
We acknowledge and respects the uniqueness of each child and his/her family, culture, structure, language, beliefs and customs. Children learn within the context of their family and extended community and that they bring this knowledge and a wide range of experiences with them to preschool.
We extend this attitude of inclusion, respect and acceptance to visitors, students, and preschool staff members.
We acknowledge that the preschool stands on the land of the Bidjigal And Gweagal Clans who traditionally occupied Botany Bay and that this land continues to be sacred to them and pay our respects to elders past and present.
Teacher quality plays a crucial role in the outcomes of each child’s development and learning.
Evidence shows that quality teaching is the single greatest in-school influence on student engagement and achievement. Effective teachers are capable of achieving significantly greater learning gains in their students despite other disadvantages.
School leadership will support our educators to enhance their skills and knowledge throughout their careers through performance management and targeted professional learning.
Programs will be guided by Belonging, Being and Becoming; the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia which will incorporate both an emergent curriculum and intentional teaching. The principles of the framework will guide our practice in developing the following five learning outcomes for all students:
● children have a strong sense of identity.
● children are connected with and contribute to their world.
● children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
● children are confident and involved learners.
● children are effective communicators.