Starting School
- Children may enrol in Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five years of age on or before 31 July in that year.
- All children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.
- Are they physically ready?
- Are they socially and emotionally ready?
- Kids don't need to read or write before they start school.
- Visit your local school and attend orientation days before you decide.
Our school provides a comprehensive Transition to School program.
Our Transition to School Program is aimed at providing experiences that will assist our new students in having a positive and stress-free transition from Preschool, Daycare or home life to the big new world of school. Our program supports our new students by offering first-hand opportunities to come into the Kindergarten classrooms and participate in classroom activities.
Parents and families will also be supported by information sessions, resources to use at home and opportunities to ask the many questions new parents have about starting school.
The program has three important phases that will assist you and your child to be ready for school.
It is best if you are involved in all 3 aspects of the program.
Phase One
OPEN NIGHT - August 2025 ( Date to be confirmed)
This evening is especially designed for new parents to the school who would like to learn more information about the programs Banksmeadow Public School provides from Kindergarten - Year 6. On this evening, parents will have an opportunity to ask questions informally, meet the staff and tour the school. Children do not attend this evening.
Out of Area applicants will be contacted by the Principal to confirm if our enrolment numbers allow for students from outside the school catchment area to enrol at the school.
Phase Two
KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION MORNING - September 2025 (Date to be confirmed)
This morning is for every new Kindergarten child and their parents (including parents who have older children at the school). On the morning the children spend time in the Kindergarten classroom meeting the teachers and their new friends for the next year. The children will meet older buddy students who will be their special friends throughout the transition program and during the early weeks when they start school next year. Parents will meet in the school hall and learn about preparing for school next year. There will be an opportunity to try on uniforms on this morning. An invitation for this event will be sent home a few weeks beforehand.
Phase Three
2025 Dates to be Confirmed
Bookings are essential. The Office will email applicants when the sessions are open for you to book. Families should book in for 2 sessions over the 4 weeks.
This 4 week program is held the year before your child starts school and is designed to enable children to have a smooth transition from the Preschool years to Kindergarten. The children participate in activities in the classroom for one hour every fortnight in Term 4. The children will develop a relationship with the other children who will be in their class and familiarise themselves with the ‘big school' environment. The children will tour the school, meet the staff, spend time eating morning tea and playing in the playground. The children will be matched to a Year 5 buddy who will help them at school in the following year.
There will be an opportunity for parents to make an appointment to speak to a member of the executive staff for a one-on-one welcome interview.
Details about how to book an appointment will be explained at our Orientation morning.
We recommend that parents complete an application to enrol to ensure that we have your contact details. We will then send you the dates our Transition Program will be held.